Table of Contents

SM: Loops, Multi-legs, Jets

List of Topics

1) PDFs

a) impact of LHC data, current and future

b) impact of/need for an LHeC

c) combination of PDF sets

d) impact of NNLO jet calculations


a) wishlist of calculations→ review of what current exists→input: what do the experiments really want?

b) study of the 'Sudakov Zone', ~1 TeV where EWK corrections may be comparable to QCD corrections

c) PDFs with QED corrections, photon PDFs, gamma-gamma processes

d) press ahead with the tuned comparison of precision calculations for Drell-Yan processes carried out in the framework of the LPCC EW Group

e) prescriptions for combining QCD and EW corrections

The Wishlist page is here

3) Binoth Les Houches Accord (BLHA)

An update on this is in the make, see the BLHA page

4) Top Decays a) handling top decays in processes like tTH, tTbB and tTjj

Cuts and Observables

Plans for the upcoming Les Houches Report

EW corrections - theoretical guidelines and experimental issues

Theoretical guidelines:
Experimental issues:

Coordination with Snowmass: QCD Issues
